
Online Contractor Induction Registration


Expiry Date

Taranaki Bio Extracts, Taranaki By Products, Jackson Transport.

Enter your details below

Name of Your Company *

Email Address *

A valid company admin email address. All e-mails from the system will be sent to this address. The e-mail address is not made public and will only be used to alert you of when your induction is due to expire.

Confirm Email Address *

Please re-type your e-mail address to confirm it is accurate.

First name *

Please enter your full first name.

Surname *

Please enter your full surname.

Your mobile phone number *

Date of birth *

Please √ next to any of the course qualifications you have achieved and that are current.

Note for the issuing of permits onsite,qualification proof cards will be checked by permit issuer’s.

Personal Photo Upload

Your virtual face or picture. Pictures larger than 1024x1024 pixels will be scaled down.

RML Safety Smart
Pictures should be:
  • Full colour
  • Head centred with a clear gap around the sides and top of head, including hair
  • Maximum size of head, including hair, must be 75% of the photo
  • True image must not be altered in any way
  • In focus, with no red-eye and no reflected light on the face
  • Strong contrast between image and background
  • No shadows
  • Head straight to the camera
  • No sunglasses, or glasses with tinted lenses that obscure your eyes

Files must be less than 6 MB.

Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png

1. Under the Privacy Act 1993, personal information collected by these sites is for site safety purposes only and will be held securely at all times. The person to whom the information relates has the right to have access to this information and may request its correction as set out in the Act.

I Accept Terms & Conditions of Use

© RML Safety Smart 2019